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Essay on forensic evidence csi tv show

Essay on forensic evidence csi tv show

essay on forensic evidence csi tv show

Apr 27,  · “Judges appear to see an increased desire for forensic evidence on the part of the fact finders” (Hughes ). It has come to the attention of the judges that most fact finders prefer forensic evidence. The CSI effect has made many people believe that this is the most accurate investigation tool Yes. You can easily hire one of the expert argumentative essay writers at who specialize in providing high-quality argumentative essays. Whether you need a high-school argumentative essay or a graduate-level argumentative essay, Essay On Forensic Evidence Csi Tv Show our essay writer can write it for you/10() We deliver polished, Essay On Forensic Evidence Csi Tv Show flawless grammar and composition to guarantee the academic success of ESL and American students. When you submit our work, you can be confident that it is ready to hand in to your teacher or professor/10()

The CSI Effect: Juror's Perception Of Forensic Evidence |

This quote indicates there are many factors which affect the attitudes of the pretrial jury in the justice system. The most influential factor in this era is the rate at which crime related television programs are watched.

From the quote, it is clear that the author s of this article are in agreement with the allegations that programs such as CSI have a negative effect on the process of administering justice. More evidence in support of this indicates that such programs have led to the exposure of the procedures used in detecting and investigating crimes. This quote indicates the attorneys came to the realization that their system of carrying out investigations and presenting the evidence is no longer effective owing to the public interception in these processes.

This is why they suggest of changes in the strategies used in trials. This will ensure the public are blocked from the new strategies hence being unable to interrupt the justice system. This is a clear indication of the effect of the penetration of crime shows in the judicial process. The effect is definitely negative due to the fact that the advocates seek to implement some major changes.

To maintain the new system however, essay on forensic evidence csi tv show, regulations should be instituted to ensure the system is guarded against media interception. This quote makes illustrates that jurors have accepted the fact that the media has eroded the criminal justice system through the crime shows. At the same time, they state that they have the capacity to distinguish between what is fiction and what is real.

This is something most of the other people are not able to tell. This often leads them to believe that what they see on their screens is the real procedure for carrying out criminal investigations. However, despite these differences, these shows still give the public a clue of the investigation procedures.

However, any person with a special intention might use it as a lead. This quote explains the research findings among law students. It reveals that those who watch these crime shows are more confident than their counterparts. This is an indication that they believe what they see on the television and it indeed affects their judgment of the evidence collected. Supposing these students go to the field and realize the procedures from the shows are the same ones being used, then it will be hard to convince them there are some fictitious procedures on the show.

This explains why the jury selection system need to be changed so that it is completely different from what is displayed in the crime shows. In other words, it means the things people come across in their day to day lives affect their judgment. The media is one of the most influential tools in the lives of many people.

In anything, a big percentage of people live their lives in relation to the most recent trends as portrayed by the media. This rule also applies to the criminal justice system in relation to the crime shows being aired on the televisions. This suggests that most of them are no longer able to make sound decisions. Media influence has largely affected their decision making capacity of most people. The situation can only be reversed by making alterations in the system to differ completely from what is displayed by the media.

This statement suggests that it has been difficult to essay on forensic evidence csi tv show the exact CSI effect in the courtroom. There are many factors that may have an impact on the criminal justice system besides the CSI effect.

Despite the fact that the investigations could be fictitious, the crimes being investigated are real crimes committed on a daily basis. These crimes include; murder, manslaughter and high degree robberies. There is therefore no enough evidence to discredit the CSI effect in the courtroom.

Scientific evidence, as used in most of the CSI shows are said to have a positive impact on research since it enhances the viability of the evidence collected. The implication of this statement of the research question is the processes used in the CSI shows are mostly real though presented with a fictitious situation. Therefore, the CSI effect is something that should not be neglected; instead the criminal justice system should be transformed such that the effects are minimized if not eliminated.

Essay on forensic evidence csi tv show is not the relevant authority. This statement illustrates that the beliefs of the juror has been altered by the type of testimony from most eye witnesses. The presentation of the witnesses in most cases is guided by the previous knowledge of witnessing obtained from the CSI programs.

This means, most people coming to court as witnesses already have a predetermined way presenting their evidence and this in a way alters the validity of the evidence.

As a result of this, there is a need to improve on the knowledge of the juror so that they are able to tell when a witness is being genuine and when they are providing the information based on what they saw in the television program, essay on forensic evidence csi tv show. These are some of the changes that should be implemented in the criminal justice system to counter the CSI effect. This statement illustrates the role of the media in alternating the criminal justice system.

Most witnesses in real crimes have been brainwashed by what they see in the crime shows. They are therefore unable to present their evidence in a non biased way. The topics crimes covered in these programs are real and this explains why most people believe that the shows are real. What they do not realize is that they are using real life experiences to make the programs more appealing, while most of the procedures they use to solve essay on forensic evidence csi tv show crimes are fictitious and nonexistent.

This therefore explains why the jury selection needs to be changed so that it is completely detached from the systems used in the programs. This is a general comment indicating the extent over which the media affects the perception of the public. Information relayed through media especially electronic media has played a major role in the development of the modern culture. It is therefore not logical to assume that shows such as CSI could not have any effect thereof, essay on forensic evidence csi tv show.

These crime investigation shows are the most famous in this era and their effect has been strongly felt in the judicial system, essay on forensic evidence csi tv show.

From this, we can make a conclusion that the judicial system should undergo major changes essay on forensic evidence csi tv show ensure that the loopholes created by these programs are sealed completely. The studies that have been conducted to determine the extent of the CSI effect in the criminal justice system brings out the influential nature of the media. The findings indicate that media are the most educative tool.

At the same time, this same media have the other side which is destructive to some extent, essay on forensic evidence csi tv show. Considering these factors, it is possible to tell the challenges faced by the criminal justice system as a result of the CSI effect. This has influenced the public to believe what they see on their screens and attempt to put it into practice. Some of the jurors have even gone to the extent of making their judgments after consulting the cases in these programs.

This explains further how the criminal justice system has been hampered by the CSI effect. These programs have created a standard for the jurors in the eyes of the public. The quality of evidence they provide is judged in relation to what is seen in the media. They are therefore forced to go out of their way and measure up to the standard. The only remedy to this is to upgrade the court system and ensure that the investigation procedures remain a top secret in the concerned organization.

Standards are set based on these programs despite the fact that the biggest percentage of the events is fictitious.

The criminal justice system is therefore compelled to lift their standards while at the same time compromising the truth they are sure of, essay on forensic evidence csi tv show. The public is the main determinant of their success and they would never want to lose their credibility. Diversions from what most people know to be the truth renders them incompetent and insufficient in essay on forensic evidence csi tv show eyes of the public.

This explains why they need to change the system and make it known to the public that they have upgraded it beyond what the media depicts, essay on forensic evidence csi tv show. Many decisions in the justice system have been made based on information obtained from the media. As a result of this, essay on forensic evidence csi tv show, the decisions made essay on forensic evidence csi tv show most of the times guilty ones.

This means that most of the suspects are convicted of being guilty despite there not being sufficient evidence to incriminate them. The media is to be blamed for this since they portray a certain section of the community as being guilty of crimes.

The truth however eventually comes out and this means that members of the public are gradually losing faith in the criminal justice system. To save this situation, there is need to make major reforms in this system.

From the television shows such as CSI and the likes, there are some investigation procedures that are displayed as perfect. This however has proved not true in real life as these methods have not shown that much credibility. This includes the commonly used DNA exoneration method which was nullified by the confession of the true criminals.

This means that the people who had been convicted were not the criminals as shown by the investigations. The changes to be implemented in the justice system should therefore include scrapping of such procedures. From this section, it is evident that the memories of the events from the programs stick in the minds of the viewers.

Such people essay on forensic evidence csi tv show already have a premonition of crimes cannot make effective witnesses. This is irrespective of whether they were eyewitnesses to the crime or not. Their judgment will always be affected by what is already in their minds regarding crimes. This makes them ineffective in their witnessing and in case the jurors are not aware of this factor, then they end up being misled by the evidence provided by the witness.

This can be eliminated by setting up a system that can detect whether a person is basing their evidence of the current event or some past event. This is a conclusive quote which shows the role of the media as a source of education, essay on forensic evidence csi tv show.

This education can however be negative as is the case of the eye witness dilution. This suggests that they know the challenges they are face. This is an assurance that they will do something about it if they want to regain the confidence of the public. The word infotainment has been used to describe the main idea behind CSI TV shows. The idea is; they entertain as well as provide information.

The entertainment part can be credited but there are some doubts when it comes to the information. This information is mostly exaggerated such that people are not able to distinguish between what is real and not. In most cases, the information is diluted by fiction, obvious to the viewers who tend to believe the media more than anything else. This explains why the CSI effect cannot be stopped from penetrating the justice system, unless the system is changed such that it cannot accommodate the CSI effect.

This quote brings out the fact that the media have played a major role in making people believe that crimes are a part of their life. An example is that of the CSI like programs where different crimes are being solved every day. Viewers tend to believe that these crimes are happening somewhere in reality.

Forensics: The Real CSI Series 2 6. Standard of Evidence BBC Documentary 2021

, time: 58:14

essay on forensic evidence csi tv show

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