Saturday, November 27, 2021

Vietnam war cold war essay

Vietnam war cold war essay

vietnam war cold war essay

The Vietnam war started as a U.S. strategy of authority in times of the cold war, which was directed to prevent the advancement of communism in the world. The War had begun in , after the rise of power with Ho Chi Minh and his communist Viet Minh party in North Vietnam, and continued against the backdrop of an intense Cold War against the United States and the Soviet Union Oct 02,  · The Cold War and the Vietnam War were almost the same war. The countries in each war argued over whose way of leading or ruling was right. The Vietnam War did have fighting though. But, the Indochina War wasn’t like that. The Indochina war was over who should have power in Vietnam May 17,  · Vietnam War The Cold War was the base to creating the Vietnam War. The Indochina War contributed create the Vietnam War as well. The Cold War and the Vietnam War were almost the same war. The countries in each war argued over whose way of leading or ruling was right. The Vietnam War did have fighting though. But, the Indochina War wasn’t like that

Vietnam War's Effect On The Cold War - Free Essay Example |

A product of justifications stemming from the Cold War and anti-communism sentiments, the Vietnam War became the benchmark by which American military limitations can be measured.

All military conflicts are costly. Most importantly, lives are lost and of those who survive, many are forever altered physically, mentally and emotionally. Great amounts of money are spent on military actions which accrue a debt that must be paid over time, sometimes over many generations.

The National Debt rises which acts a as drain on the economy and takes away monies that could have been spent on domestic endeavors. The U. The most evident and memorable political fallout during the Vietnam War was student protestors who, through great sacrifice and courage, were instrumental in ending U. involvement in Southeast Asia. Thanks to the unprecedented media covering the truth of the war, the U.

rapidly lost credibility worldwide including within the borders of its own country. This did disrupt communist supply lines but was seen as a broadening of a war that was growing increasingly unpopular Robinson, The extensive bombing campaigns and numerous offensives caused massive amounts of destruction on the Vietnamese and their property which only served to alienate the indigenous community.

It galvanized the enemy and opponents of the war in both Vietnam and America and led many to question the ethics of the campaigns Olney, The limitations of American power have been clearly evidenced by the misuse of its military superiority.

has gained many enemies and lost respect and prestige worldwide. In addition, if Vietnam had never happened, the limitations of the military would not be as apparent to the world at-large and the U. would today be perceived as stronger and more effectual than it actually is thus would have more political clout than it presently does. However, vietnam war cold war essay, this regrettable reality is likely soon to be a moot point anyway because the U. no longer has, vietnam war cold war essay.

The most eminent threat to U. The United States is regarded as a good investment and has an unlimited ability to secure loans without a problem, but loans must be paid back, with interest. Germany, Japan, China and other vietnam war cold war essay own a large piece of America, a potentially disastrous prospect.

One or a combination of creditor countries could cause a sudden and shocking reduction of the economy which would further increase the debt Ignatieff, 3.

The Vietnam War divided the nation along ideological battle lines. They believed that to be truly patriotic was to question the decisions of government and openly dissent when it was judged to be wrong. The philosophical chasm was wide and emotions ran deep on both sides.

Those that protested sacrificed much. Vietnam war cold war essay war protesters were killed by soldiers of the National Guard as was the case at Kent State and South Carolina State. The protesters and draft-dodgers were thought of as anti-American by the mainstream citizenry who regarded their actions as nothing short of treasonous, vietnam war cold war essay. They fought to defend freedom on foreign soil but were very much opposed to the constitutionally guaranteed right to peacefully assemble in their own country Bexte, The two conflicts are eerily similar on many fronts yet the public reaction has been very dissimilar.

Then as now, those opposed to the war are characterized as unpatriotic or as not supporting the troops, both of which, of course, are patently ridiculous concepts, vietnam war cold war essay.

The major difference is that the draft personalized the conflict for many more Americans. More families had a personal stake in the Vietnam War as opposed to the war in Iraq which only affects a small segment of the population. Today, the incentives to protest are less while the consequences are the same.

Being scorned and spit at on campus is easier to confront than are bullets and bombs in a snake infested marshy jungle thousands of miles from home. military has also been involved in worldwide humanitarian ventures too numerous to mention. If a major war was to break out somewhere on earth, the Vietnam war cold war essay. would undoubtedly be called to quell the situation, vietnam war cold war essay. No other country has near the capability to intervene in vietnam war cold war essay major outbreak.

America is indeed by default the policeman of the world regardless of whether it wants this title or not. Because of its military, political and economic prowess, the U. occupies the position of world leader. However, vietnam war cold war essay, when the U. intervenes in foreign conflicts, such as in Vietnam, it ultimately loses economic and political capital both at home and abroad. War is brutal which translates to U.

No matter where the conflict or the reasons for deploying military forces, much of the world will likely be against the action. This underscores the reason for demonstrating extreme caution when making the decision to use force. Olney, Richard. New York: The Penguin Press. Robinson, James A. Grolier Online. Need a custom Research Paper sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you?

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The Cold War: Lyndon Johnson and the Vietnam War - Episode 33

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The Vietnam War () essay

vietnam war cold war essay

Nov 18,  · This essay covers Impact of the Vietnam War. Investments and sacrifices, the results of the Cold War. Vietnam War like benchmark by which American military limitations can be measured Apr 12,  · The Vietnam War had a big effect on the Cold War, being a very deadly war with, at times, no end in sight. After China became a communistic country, communism began to spread throughout Indochina. In Vietnam had gained its independence from France. But Vietnam was split into two parts at the time, Communistic North Vietnam under the rule of Ho Chi Minh and South /5(24) Vietnam and The Cold War Essay. Words6 Pages. Vietnam and The Cold War. It is impossible to accurately describe the major events that occurred during the cold war without mentioning the war in Vietnam. From its start, this war has been very controversial concerning its purposes and effects on the countries involved

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