The movie, The Shawshank Redemption is a movie that related to the correctional part in the criminal justice system and contained many themes or ideas relating to corrections. Here in America, corrections can be used [ ] Shawshank Redemption Characters Analysis According to Red, “Old life blown away in the blink of an eye a long cold season in hell stretching out ahead nothing left but all the time in the world to think about it. ” As one enters the high walls, plain bricks, thick metal bars of a cell and a bare room, one can never imagine himself/herself to blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins 5 Pages ( words) Essay. Movie Review Shawshank Redemption. The Shawshank Redemption carries the “innocent man in prison theme” to a dimension that is both unique and inspiring. Director Frank Darabont, in his adaptation of the Stephen King Story “Rita Hayworth and Shawshank
Shawshank Redemption Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - words
Through the hardships in the prison of Shawshank and hopes to achieve freedom, the characters in Shawshank Redemption present a variety of psychological issues.
And I found several main psychological principles here in this movie. They are self-concept, the shawshank redemption essay, and. Becoming a prison librarian, a financial advisor, and an educator, Andy begins to cope with the hardships of prison life and finds a place to fit in, the shawshank redemption essay.
Later on, the shawshank redemption essay, Andy begins to help the head of the prison to make his money to be illegal enough to deposit into bank.
I can see that Andy begins the shawshank redemption essay get used to the life in the prison and use his wisdom to live well here and get the chance to get out of the prison. Also Andy made the account under the name of the fake person. And his talent of financial management begins to get the attention from the head of the prison. I think Andy shows his individualism in that the is different than the other inmates. He knows this and it shows.
Not for a second does he conform, the shawshank redemption essay. For instance, he really knows that he is innocent. He also never loses hope. This point becomes very clear as we find out that he has been planning his escape for many years! A scene that nicely show his individualism is when he plays music for the whole jail in a sublime part of the movie. He refuses to be what he is not. And also educated in the western countries. I remember a scene from the movie that an old man release from the prison and he tries to get used to the life.
However, he realize that that is a world that he cannot fit in since he have already get used to the life in the prison. Even though a simple job in the market he cannot handle it very well.
After that he even wants to kill the manager in the supermarket and get back to the prison. I can see that this old man was totally get used to the life in prison where he was oppressed everyday to work and to eat. To live the life that I cannot imagine. In the movie we see that the prisoner are all have a very regulated and unitary movements like when to sleep, when to eat and the shawshank redemption essay to do some outdoor exercise.
I think that the pernicious effect on it is very important because the long time training will give the prisoner an unconscious influence by this. For example, the influence by the common norms, we are regulated by this norms for a very long time like what they taught to the prisoners. There no norms exists before, the shawshank redemption essay, however we are taught to obey those norms like those prisoner were taught to obey the rules in the prison.
So when we response to this norms, our mind will tell us that we cannot do the things that against norm. So this poor old man get used to the regulation in the prison. So suddenly, when he go outside the world. He cannot fit in that environment. I believe that All of his actions in the movie are a progression of resistance.
Resistance to conformity, resistance to oppression, to injustice, to incarceration, to death itself. His stone carvings, his rock hobby, his banking abilities, and in the end, his long term tunneling all indicate and reinforce the resistance I just mentioned.
As he turns into a library builder who annoys the state into funding it, he also helps other inmates work on their individualism. Especially when Andy locked the door and broadcast some music to all of the prisoner in the Shawshank.
That is the most scarcasm scenes in the whole movies I think because it satirize the highest power in the prison and play the highest power in hand, the shawshank redemption essay. And the shawshank redemption essay the whole movie I can see that Andy never give up no matter what he faced.
Like the first several days when he enters the prison, a gay man forced him to do that thing for him. When he refused, the shawshank redemption essay, he got a very severe beat and he was keep bleeding for a long time. So I think that positive attitude-never lose hope-support him to overcome the most darkness time in the prison.
Also the behavior influence attitudes also. And a very famous role-playing prison experiment hold in the Stanford University. The result turns to be that every well-educated students were willing to do the aggressive prisoner-like or guard-like things and the experiments are forced to call off after only 6 days.
In these cases, we can see how powerful the behavior will influence the attitudes. Even though he was treated by the cruel guards or disparaged by the guards and do the same thing as the other prisoner did.
He did not change to another personality. However, I think it is the rejection behavior keep him away from being assimilated from one of those prisoner.
He keep awake every each time. Do you need an Original High Quality Academic Custom Essay? Shawshank Redemption Home Psychology Shawshank Redemption. Shawshank Redemption Published by James Taylor.
Social influence-conformity I remember a scene from the movie that an old man release from the prison and he tries to get used to the life. Attitudes and behavior.
The Shawshank Redemption: The Greatest Film Ever Made
, time: 14:09Essay on The Shawshank Redemption - Words | Bartleby
The movie, The Shawshank Redemption is a movie that related to the correctional part in the criminal justice system and contained many themes or ideas relating to corrections. Here in America, corrections can be used [ ] Shawshank Redemption Characters Analysis Through the hardships in the prison of Shawshank and hopes to achieve freedom, the characters in Shawshank Redemption present a variety of psychological issues. Throughout Andy and Red’s sentence in prison, issues of identity, motivation, and anxiety are brought about within the storyline. Depicting the affects of prison life during and after a prisoner’s sentence in jail, Shawshank Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins The Shawshank Redemption is about Andy Dufresne, A banker from Maine who is sentenced to two life terms in a harsh prison, Shawshank Prison. Andy claims he's innocent, but many doubt him. During the first night, Red an inmate that was in for murder,and his friends bet on which new inmate would break down first and he bets on Andy
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